I've recently just finished working a temporary Christmas position at a well known kitchen store here in Britain. While a lot of the things they sell can be found in America, sometimes I would find great examples of products incorporating British design. I LOVE British design. I found this really cool egg cup/toast holder that I just had to have and realized this may be the appropriate time for A to teach me about eggy soldiers. So he very happily did.

The funny thing is, the yolk doesn't taste as yolky as a hard boiled egg does. It was nice, and fun. He cooked me a second one immediately after I finished my first one since I seemed to enjoy it so much. I ate them both very happily.
I'm still trying to get the knack of the timing right when I cook them myself, but it'll come along. You just boil a medium/large egg for about 5 or 6 minutes. The timing is important though. It's the only tricky bit. In fact, it's all it is anyway. Haha! Cook it a minute too short and it isn't cooked enough, and a minute too long and it may as well be hard boiled.
Nom nom nom. . .